Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well, the good news is I am not up any “poundage.” I am encouraged by this. My fast went well, and I started up again with my friend Margery today. I know that when I am fasting with another person, I am much more likely to stay committed and not cheat. (I have to admit it is so easy to grab a cracker off the kids’ lunch plate or nibble as I cook….please do not think less of me!) However, when I know there is another person fasting with me, I don’t want to let her down! Why is it that I will cheat on myself (or worse, God) but I won’t cheat on another individual? What does this say about my psyche? (Check that – I don’t think I want to know the answer!)

Margery shared with me a quote from Gwen Shamblin that was mentioned in one of the online Weigh Down classes. (Margery is currently enrolled in these online classes. Way to go Margery!!) I thought it was very encouraging and wanted to share with all you what Margery relayed to me.
When you feel an urge to eat and you are not hungry, it is hunger for God! Go to His Word! Do not hang out near food. Do not long for the food. Do not look for the food. Pray, “God, clean up my mind.” Pray, “God, in the name of Jesus Christ, take away this nagging head hunger, this longing, and turn that back into a longing to be inside Your will and to have Your approval. Amen.”

If you are one who struggles with “head hunger” (defined: wanting to eat, but not feeling any physiological hunger) like I do, I think this prayer is perfect! I know I will be praying it.
Though I mainly write about my struggles with weight, I do have other areas in my life I struggle with as well (surely, I didn’t have you all completely fooled!) This prayer from the Weigh Down class got me thinking about all my areas of struggle. No matter what the issue might be, I am to take EVERYTHING to God. He is the one who can fill me up where I am lacking. I get frustrated with my children (gasp!) I get irritated with my husband (double gasp!) I don’t understand why I can’t always have my way especially when my desires seem like very “Christian” needs (are you hyperventilating yet?) Tell me I not alone in wanting things that can only be filled by God? My issue with food is simply ONE of many struggles – all of which must be taken directly to God for help, comfort, and guidance.

I will leave you with these verses….I hope you find them and the above prayer encouraging for this next week!

John 15:5
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Luke 18:27
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

Psalm 127:1-2
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

Isaiah 65:24
Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.



  1. Wow - excellent post Jaime! I'm with you and the whole head hunger. I will take to heart the next time I feel head hungry and go to God instead. Thanks so much for sharing this!


  2. 25 pounds is amazing! I am so proud of you!

    Oh, and you notice I only have 2 children also. Yes, puking will do that to a person.

  3. Yes, yes, yes, that is so true. I need to be so much better about going to God, literally to the Bible. I have many struggles as well...I can't remember if you knew this or not, but I just went through a pretty terrible period of time and am so grateful to be on the other side. I can only say that God is faithful even when I am not. That last verse (from Isaiah) is so very good. He is so good.

  4. The 25 pounds is truly amazing, and I thank the Lord for your victory. You must feel so good! Even more amazing, I am thrilled for the spiritual lessons you are learning on this journey. I loved hearing this encouragement...I, too, will be chewing on this thought, "Hunger for God. Go to His Word!" Thank you for your beautiful, open sharing.

  5. I love this post! Hungry for food...or His Word. Great stuff. xo

  6. Thanks for this reminder, Jaime. I struggle with hormones putting me in a sulky mood, tempting me to do nothing. Instead of getting into the Word I tend to kill time on my computer. I needed to hear this today!

  7. Great insight into hunger pains. I love it! When we are in our flesh we forget our Spirit within us is hungry!!

  8. Thanks for your honesty! It's always inspiring. I finally got the book. Gotta work on replacing the head hunger with God. wow!

  9. Feeding on God's Word is definitely the road to spiritual and physical health. Sometimes when I'm absorbed in Bible study, I forget to eat!

    I notice I tend to snack when I'm tired... as a way to get a boost of energy. Instead, I should just put my feet up and REST!

